Educational Services

The Association's educational services include

activities aimed at schools of all kinds and levels,

families and the adult public, who are offered

initiatives and workshops:

Activities for schools

Activities for families

Activities for young people

Laboratorio con giovani autori
Workshop with young authors

For 25 years, the educational section of the AM

international has been committed to involving

students with artists, developing relationships

which have allowed the sharing of experiences and

skills within the museum as an interdisciplinary laboratory.

Laboratorio con Jimmy Pike
Workshop with Jimmy Pike
Laboratory for teachers and primary school pupils with Jimmy Pike and Pat Lowe (from behind)

To stimulate the critical intelligence and observation of young people,

primary school children in the area experiment

work in the laboratory and come into direct contact with the

works of art and with established authors.

The educational proposals aimed at families are designed to foster

through artistic and creative experiences

the reflection of significant forms of present-day culture.

Specific educational projects can be designed according to teachers’ demands

or to meet the needs of children and teenagers with disabilities.

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